...childish name calling and lies! Or at least that is the clear message coming from the McCain camp as of late. Let us look at a few priceless gems from the past couple weeks that would make any grade school playground bully proud.

Wow, he really is getting desperate, huh? What a disgrace to his party, his country, and the uniform that he once wore. I cannot believe we even have to hear about, consider, or defend childish behavior such as this in the race for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!?! Seriously, does McCain not get the seriousness of this position? Or the seriousness of the country’s issues right now? Paris, Britney, organic tea; do we REALLY have to talk about this????????


SIDENOTE: Here are a few good websites to go to if you want the truth behind Sen. McCain's never ending smears:

1 Comment:

  1. ~Ria~ said...
    So, if Obama is Britney Spears, Paris Hilton & the Messiah, does this mean that Brit and Paris are the Messiah too?

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