I have finally had enough of the right wing propaganda machine. Of course, I had enough a couple years back, but for some sick reason I have felt it necessary to keep dipping my toes back into the cesspool. Maybe I was being masochistic, maybe I believed the whole "keep your enemies close" mantra; whatever the case, I have finally decided it is only doing more harm to me than good. So today is the first day on my deFoxification journey.

To be fair to Fox (fair and balanced, right?), they are not the only arm of the machine, merely the loudest and most visible. If my deFoxification is to be successful, I am also going to need to cut out all the other merchants of filth as well. No more Drudge Report for me. No more Rush Limbaugh (who by the way, makes Imus look like Martin Luther King Jr. by his playing of this song on his radio show), or Glenn Beck, or Michael Savage. And heaven forbid, no more listening to the screeching of Ann Coulter. I will miss them all like the heroin junkie misses the needle.

Some might say (nice Fox news tactic there, huh?), that cutting out this "other" side of the debate might leave me uninformed, uneducated and at the whim of whatever my "side" would indoctrinate me to believe. Well, I might reply to that by saying something like this, "If your side offered me something more in the way of actual, fact-based information relevant to the argument instead of just baseless, vile attacks on people, not their message, but on the people on my side, well then, they would be worth listening to and would add to the debate. Until that day comes, you keep your hate, your ignorance of the facts, and your attacks on me and my side, I'm good." Maybe I will try and search out an alternate source of Conservative information that is unlike what I am describing here and what has become so prevalent. It has to exist somewhere out there, just like Bigfoot.

Hopefully I will be able to pull this off myself and not be tempted back over to the 'dark side'. If I am not, I may require an Intervention! I am also hopeful that, just like following a detoxification process clears and invigorates the body, this deFoxification process with do the same for my spirits and my mind. I will keep you all up to date!

Thanks for reading...


  1. Amy Y said...
    I hope your deFox is successful because I for one am tired of seeing you so enraged by the hate they spew!! It will be nice to have a happier hubby :)
    ~Ria~ said...
    Have you seen OutFoxed? I haven't but really want to. I have heard it is awesome. Rupert at his best. I also have a problem watching those people but instead of giving them ratings I find myself endlessly searching Youtube for them. I will deFox with you.

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