Today, Attorney General Gonzales is finally testifying before a Senate committee to look into the scandal involving the firing of 8 US District Attorneys, and his subsequent misspeaking (read: lying) to the Senate and the American people regarding his involvement. (watch live) This has been a long day coming and he has been a 'dead man walking' for a couple months now, kept in his job by some scheduled and unscheduled delays. Unfortunately, he messed up my original prediction that he would be out of his office by the end of March. Now it is looking more like by the end of April. *fingers crossed*

I have wrote enough already in the lead up to this breaking scandal, so I will spare you all the details again. Now it is time to sit back and watch the show unfold. Let's just hope that he says something more substantive on his way out than "I don't recall" ("No recuerdo").

Thanks for reading..


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