First off, sorry for not blogging yesterday and for the half-hearted attempt at a blog today. Things are really picking up here at work lately, and in an effort to keep my job and my house and etc, I have been more focused on that.

I wanted to share some information and some links that I have discovered yesterday and today in an attempt to keep my handful of readers as up to date on the 'underbelly' of the news as I try to be. Oh, and by the way, the deFoxification is going well so far. I have removed it as a selectable option from both my XM radio and my personalized Google homepage. Only thing left to do is take it off of the Directv guide. Anyway, on to the links:

  • Here is a nice couple charts detailing the differences between Democratic and Republican Presidents of the last 70 years in regards to their spending habits. And somehow Democrats still get labeled as the big spenders. Makes no sense!

  • Here is a reflection of the "President's" latest (and lowest) approval ratings. I am actually surprised it is still this high.

  • Here is the most damning piece of evidence I have seen to date that the Presidential election of 2004 in Ohio was stolen. There is not much in the way of explanation here, but take a close look at who "owned" the servers responsible for the election up until the day after the election; Smartech, a company we might be hearing a lot more from in the near future.

Thanks for reading...

1 Comment:

  1. ~Ria~ said...
    Hooray! I am so glad to see your cost of war counter. Rosie has one on her site and I wanted to get one. I tried to figure it out but failed. You will have to let me in on the secret

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