I wanted to quickly blog today about the top 10 reasons that I consider myself to be a true "pro-lifer". I hear that there is quite a large group of pro-lifers out there in the country and that sometimes they demonstrate outside certain buildings? Maybe I should put together some signs, highlighting the various reasons I am a pro-lifer and go hang out with them.

Anyway, to the list:

1. I respect the lives of all living creatures on this planet. Be they human, animal (in the more traditional sense), plant or otherwise, I think we should do all we can to protect the lives of the living. This is really just an all encompassing reason why I am a "pro-lifer".

2. I think war should only be a last resort. What kills more life than war? Well, maybe cancer, but that is beside the point. War should never be entered into lightly and without EVERY other single option being waged first: diplomacy, compromise, and acquiescence to name a few.

3. I believe everyone should have access to healthcare. Notice I didn't say "affordable" health care. For some, even low cost health care is not affordable. What are we saying to our citizens and to the rest of the world, when approximately 1 in 5 people do not have any health care coverage. "Good luck with that cough!"

4. I believe we are all our own personal shepards. I do not feel that the government or religious leaders or anyone for that matter, should be in our lives, making our decisions. If I choose to get a face lift, or if a woman chooses to abort a mistake, or if someone decides to use drugs in their own house, of if two guys decided to get married; as long as these decisions do not interfere with someone else's freedoms, who cares?!

5. I think everyone deserves a fair wage. Why is it so often in this country that the less you actually 'work', the more you get paid? Would we still need as many welfare programs if companies like Wal-Mart paid their employees a "living wage" as opposed to a "minimum wage"?

6. I think everyone deserves a good education. If we do not educate everyone fairly and equitably, we are creating a rigid class system. And if we do not educate certain people, we are sentencing them to a shorter life.

7. My mantra: "People with guns don't kill people. Guns kill people!" Can we please stop placating to the NRA members among us? We have a ridiculous number of guns in this country and if you think the Second Amendment *really* protects your right to have them, maybe you should reread it more carefully.

8. My other mantra: "Protect the Earth. It is the only one we have." How can you claim to love life if you drive a big SUV? Our actions today are shaping the world of our children and grandchildren. Are they not important enough?

9. My other other mantra: "Celebrate Diversity". I do not care what color you are, what your sexual preference is, or what your religious beliefs are; I will not hate nor discriminate based on something you could not even change if you wanted to.

10. My last mantra: "We only get one shot at this". Why go through your one precious life that you are given, hating others? Do you really hate them or do you secretly hate yourself? Think about it for a minute. ;)

Thanks for reading...

1 Comment:

  1. ~Ria~ said...
    My favorite blog you have ever done! Beautiful!!!

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