I just can not bring myself to talk about anything political at this moment. I, along with many other Democrats in the country and people with high hopes for these Democrats in Congress, took quite the 'Left' jab to the gut late last week when they decided to basically bend over and take one from the 'President' on this Iraq war funding bill debacle. There was very little compromise to be had for sure, as one side (Congress) wanted to pass a bill with timetables, and the other side (President) was determined to veto any bill with timetables. One side was going to have to back down and give the other side what it wanted. I just don't (and will never) understand why it had to be 'my side'.

The Democrats in Congress were sent a clear message last November when the people voted them in for a change in direction. The people voted them in to end this mess in Iraq. The people voted them in to stand up to this bully 'President' with the Constitutional powers invested in them. The people were behind their efforts so far to end the war through timetables for withdraw. The people are now left bitterly angry and confused about why the Democrats so easily backed down and abandoned the people who got them to the position of power they now enjoy.

So far this month there have been 113 deaths of US forces in Iraq, 1721 deaths of Iraqis in Iraq, 116 wounded US forces in Iraq, and who knows how many billions spent in Iraq (click here for up to date casualty rates). The Democrats say they want to pass this bill now, 'fund the troops' and resume the fight in the fall. Take all of those numbers listed above, multiply them by 5, 6, or 7 (amount of months until they take up the 'fight' again) and you'll see the results of their cowardice. It just makes me sick.

OK, so now I have talked a little politics I guess. Much more than I can stomach at this juncture I am afraid. Oh, and as a nice side note to this outrageous story; the Congress is currently on their Memorial Day week off. They will return next week. I guess they had to get to their vacations with a clean slate. I just wish they could have done so with a clean conscious.

Thanks for reading...

1 Comment:

  1. Amy Y said...
    So much for not talking about politics. ;)

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