Well, well, well. Poor Georgie "had" to veto the supplemental funding bill for the Iraq yesterday. Apparently, the insolent little children in the Congress decided not to listen to 'Daddy's' warning and passed the war funding bill. (side note: If anyone is holding up the funding our troops so desperately need, it is the "President", not the Congress. They passed the bill!) 'Daddy' didn't appreciate the bill coming complete with guidelines towards withdrawing the troops by the middle of next year. How dare they? Who do they think they are? Oh yeah, the representatives of the American people performing the people's will. The fact is that the majority of Americans want us out of Iraq, the majority of the Troops want us out of Iraq and the majority of Iraqis want us out of Iraq. Of course, 'Daddy' doesn't listen to or govern by polls, he goes by his gut, or what God tells him to do.

So now we are ready for the "Big Showdown" over this bill. I don't know about any of you out there, but I just find it hilarious (in that dark, not so funny kind of way) now that the "President" thinks that the Democrats in Congress need to work with him to find some sort of compromise so they can get this bill passed. There are SO many things wrong with that stance, I am not even sure where to begin. First off, am I the only one who remembers how the Democrats were threatened, ridiculed and basically ignored for the past 6 years while this "President" and his rubber stamp Republican Congress did whatever they wanted? Now, all of the sudden, since the bullying and corrupt tactics of the Repubs during those last 6 years have blown up in their faces, resulting in a Democratic Congressional majority; the "President" is turning into that 'uniter, not a divider' that he promised us all he was when he initially ran back in 2000. So that is number one. Number two, there is no compromise with this "President", I am not even sure he knows the definition of the word. Seriously, how do you compromise with "The Decider"? The bill that Congress passed and sent to the "President" was so watered down in it's language towards ending this war, that it really only suggested time lines, not mandated them. Where do you go from there to a compromise? The bill was already compromised enough. No, the only 'compromise' this "President" will accept is his money with no strings attached. Thirdly, and lastly, how do you compromise with someone who is continually lying and misleading the American people? Bush states that one problem with this bill is the 'pork' in it, EVERY PREVIOUS SUPPLEMENTAL BILL HE HAS SIGNED HAD PORK IN IT! Bush states another problem with this bill is that it is taking too long, THE TWO PREVIOUS SUPPLEMENTALS THAT THE REPUB CONGRESS SENT HIM EACH TOOK LONGER! Bush states that the Generals should decide when we get out of Iraq and not the Congress, THE GENERALS ARE TELLING HIM TO GET OUT OR AT LEAST SERIOUSLY CHANGE DIRECTIONS! See, if you believe Bush and you believe the Mainstream Media, you are bound to believe that the Democrats in Congress are doing something awful and unprecedented here. So already, the Democrats *appear* to be on uneven moral ground with the "President". We just need to remind them that they have the will of the people on their side.

So how is this thing going to play out? Only time will tell. I just really hope that the Democrats in Congress stay as stubborn as the "President" on this issue, and that is why I suggest they say to him when he talks about compromise, "Let's totally do that!" (sarcasm inserted). The people are on their side and the Constitutional laws are on their side; let's just hope they continue to stand up to this bully for the last few months of his miserable Presidency.

Thanks for reading...

1 Comment:

  1. Amy Y said...
    Wow what an angry post! It is frustrating... but I figured this would happen. Argh.

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