PLANT A TREE!! Sure, why not? After such a crazy week filled with violence (VT shootings), racism (Imus) and lies (Gonzales), how about we all go out and plant a tree? Trees symbolically represent a sort of rebirth and growth, which may be something we all need right now.

What got me thinking about this? Well, this Sunday is Earth Day! While sometimes the actions of the humans living on this planet don't make a whole lot of sense, we still live on a remarkably beautiful planet. (Don't believe me, watch the Planet Earth series on Discovery) While I believe, along with many others, that we should live every day like it is Earth Day; we should ALL definitely take a moment or two to do a little something for the Earth on her one special day.

Here are links with a few ideas:

There ya go! Just a little bit to get you started thinking of some things you can do this Sunday. Remember, big or small, it doesn't really matter. Every single little bit helps!

Thanks for reading...


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