OK, after reading this article, I spoke too soon with my earlier OMG of the day. THIS is the real OMG of the day. Simply..unbelievable!?!

(Let me look at my watch real quick. Yep, still 2007. Thought for a second we were back in 1207)


  1. Amy Y said...
    There's no link here?
    Amy Y said...
    Oops nevermind I found it.
    I just have to say... WTF???? Are they serious??
    ~Ria~ said...
    WOW!! If this was not such a serious matter that would almost be comical. OK! I take it back that is comical. Criminals will not have to use the "psycholoically unstable plea" anymore. They can just say, "the devil made me do it."

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