While perusing one of my favorite sites this morning (digg.com), I came across this gem of a link. It is a quote taken from the just released Reagan (as in former President Ronald) Diaries, in which he writes candidly about George W. Click here to read. I must say, there are many things I disagree with Ronald Reagan about, but in this instance, he definitely hit the nail on the head!

So, as so many things do, this got me thinking about the state of our politics in this country, and forced me to wonder why it is we can not have a meritocracy? For those of you who do not know the definition (and were too lazy to click on the link provided! ha!), a meritocracy is a form of government in which we basically force people who are the most intelligent and best qualified into the jobs that fit their skills. Now I know we can not force people into jobs in this country, and I know this form of government might have its own set of problems; BUT, at its core, it wants for the best people to form the best government. I for one do not have a problem with that.

What is wrong with us as a society, however, that we do not want for the best in our political leaders? We want the best teachers teaching our kids, right? We want the best doctors operating on our insides, right? We want the best mechanics working on our car, right? So, why do we not want the best (and when I say "best", see: smartest, most qualified, most well read, etc) person in the country's most important job, the President of the United States?? Why do we (and by we, I am talking the media which trickles down into our daily arguments) attack those who are educated, and who want to serve their country, as being snobbish, elitists, and other such pejorative terms? Why do we want a President who "talks like you and me"? A President who "we could have a beer with"? A President rolls up his shirtsleeves and unbuttons his top button, so as not too look to uptight or educated? Why are we not only accepting of, but desiring of an average citizen to become our "Commander-in-Chief"? Seriously, I do not get it and I demand an answer, folks?! ;)

If it were just this simple want for a common dude to be President, it would be one thing; but, it goes beyond just this want for a humble, average. We all know it, but this is the part we don't dare talk about for some reason. Yes our current President plays the role of the dumb commoner well (maybe he is not just playing a role?), but we all know that he came from a family of wealth and power. So, not only do we not have a meritocracy, what we really have in this country is a plutocracy mixed with some heavy doses of nepotism. Even though we mostly all in this country despise both of those things (power by wealth or connections), we are able to look past it when convenient and when we think we can "relate" to the person in question.

As we enter this new election cycle for President, I can only hope that, regardless of party, we look for and elect the best of the group and not just the guy who plays the dufus role better than the others.

Thanks for reading..


  1. shawna said...
    hmmm, shawn, you bring up some interesting points. one thing though, defining who is "best" is a very sticky issue. how best is defined depends on largely on who's point of view of you are illiciting. best is so incredibly subjective and i can honestly say that while i value education as a means toward striving for/toward the best/brightest in a given field or discipline this (in my opinion) cannot be the only yardstick for measurement. many folks i have had the pleasure to interact with (without any formal education) certainly could be deemed in my opinion experts. or in your terms, the best. just my .02. thanks for making me think hard and long on the topic!
    Anonymous said...
    I don't think we need to "force" people to their "best" use. In our society, generally people will gravitate to the work that they are best equipped to pursue. For myself, I did best in accounting in school, so that is were I ended up. Then it was up to my aspirations and efforts to allow me to achieve what I have.

    How can we jusge a perons for persident? We probably have several candidates that have simiar education and experience. But what is really important is what are the president's leadership skills, how they interact with congress and the international community. All of our politicians have spoke about "fixing" the system during each election that I can remember. Why hasn't something been done about social security, immigration, or other issues.
    I think the policians are afraid to do what is "best" for the country because hard decisions are not endearing to the public.

    Here in Indy, our democratic mayor was voted out. He raised sewer taxes to fix our outdated system. He promoted business in the city and building of the new football arena. So people voted against him. I voted for him because I thought he was better qualified than the republican candidate. Hopefully, he will do a good job.

    So if the politicians did what was really best for the country, they would probably be voted out. Therefore, we keep putting off measures that should be taken sooner rather than later.

    In regards to the president and otgher polician, they think that they have to display a presence that would be more accepted to the general public. I think you would have a different impression of the President if you had the opportunity interact with him personally, rather that have your main source of information the general media and the internet.

    I agree there have been several issues that I do not think President Bush has dealt with very well. It will be interesting to see how the next election unfolds...

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