WOW! It sure has been a while since I last posted anything on here, huh?! Life just seems to always get in the way of a good blog writing session. Well, for me at least! My wife seems to have no problem balancing the two! For me, I guess I am just too concerned with making every blog post a "winner" and hitting it out of the park every time, so to speak, that I worry before each aborted blog attempt that it will become too time consuming for that particular day and put it off..and put it off..and put it off..

I think in order to alleviate that cycle of no blogging (and I really do like blogging!), I am going to go with the short blogs and maybe some links type format for most days. That will leave the really long drawn out blogs for when I have time. Yep. That is the plan. That is the version 3.4.1 plan (I have blogged about this in the past, believe it or not!)

Today, being a somewhat busy day, I am going to leave you with some daily links to check out. Enjoy!

  • 1. Can you believe some people want to put this guy on Mt. Rushmore?!
  • 2. A good sign that the days of negative campaigning might be drawing nigh.
  • 3. This guy's sidewalk drawings are amazing!
  • 4. Here are some Green Gift Guides for the holiday season.

Be well! Until next time....

1 Comment:

  1. ~Ria~ said...
    HOORAY! Glad to see you back in the blog world again. I had almost given up on you.

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