I didn't really announce this fact before I left (apparently too into Hillary's ruthlessness at the time *grin*), but I just got back from a week long trip to Hawai'i. Needless to say it was wonderful, the weather was fantastic, and the trip ended entirely too soon. I am slowly in the process of easing back into work and into the routine of life. With that said, it will be a couple more days until I write a proper blog on the events of the past couple weeks. I definitely want to weigh in with something, though, before the upcoming SUPER TUESDAY next week! ;)

Anywho, where are some links to keep you occupied for a while:

  • 1. Get caught up on Lost before the season 4 premiere tonight!
  • 2. Quite the powerful editoral on Hillary's shenanigans.
  • 3. I had no clue before the Hawai'i trip the extent of its colorful history.
  • 4. Do yourself a favor and go see this movie. (Note: those with motion sickness tendencies need not apply)
  • 5. The Super Bowl is this weekend. Does anyone outside of the Northeast really care?

More soon! Aloha and Mahalo!


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