Tomorrow is the "Super Tuesday" of the Presidential primary calendar. There are 23 states across the entirety of the United States that will be either pushing a button, pulling a lever, or getting together to caucus tomorrow. Their mission is a simple one, to vote for the candidate they feel best represents their ideals and is best suited to lead our country out of the darkness in which we currently find ourselves. The choice on the Democratic side is a rather simple one. Simple in the fact that there are basically only two candidates to chose from. On the Republican side, the choices are a little less clear as their remain 4 major candidates; two of them viable, the other two, not as much.

Being the big Obama supporter that I am, I could not pass up the chance to at least write a little something to make the case (to the very few readers of this blog) for supporting him and giving him your vote tomorrow. Basically, to me, the choice is rather clear. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Obama represents real change. I know that inherent in any new administration is change. There will be change from President Bush whether it is Sen. Clinton, Gov. Romney, or Sen. McCain. But I am talking about real change. The change from politics as usual. The change from corporate and lobbyist influence. And the change in racial dynamics and opportunity.

  • Obama represents unity. The speech that he gave at the 2004 DNC Convention, the speech that shot him from an unknown to a major political figure, was centered around unity. He described America as, not red and blue states, but a collection of purple states. A lot of politicians run on this unity message (remember Bush, the uniter, not a divider), not many of them follow through. Call me a sucker, call me a romantic, but I deeply and truly believe that Obama can and will follow through.

  • Obama represents hope. How many times have you seen Obama resort to negative campaigning or political "dirty tricks"? You don't. While it may have happened a time or two with a staffer of his (who is hopefully gone from the campaign now), the overall feel coming from his campaign is one, not of ugliness, fear mongering, smearing of the opposition (you know, the stuff we have been used to for 8 years of this current administration), it is a simple message of hope.

  • Obama represents youth. While some people (Clinton *ahem*) try and paint Obama's relative youth and "inexperience" as a bad thing, I see it completely the opposite way. He is not entrenched in Washington, and hence, is not beholden to special interests. He is young enough, and fresh enough to believe that government CAN and DOES make a difference in real people's lives. He is not tainted with the mindset that everything the government does has to come with a coporate interest sponsorship and seal of approval. Plus, his youth represents a changing of the guard from the Clintons and Bushs.

  • Obama represents America! I know, it sounds corny, but it is so true. We are not just a country of old white men (as has been represented in every one of our 43 Presidents so far). We are a country of whites, blacks, asians and latinos. We are a nation of multiculturalism. Obama's mother was white and from rural Kansas. His father was from Kenya. His step-father, and father to his sister, is from Indonesia. He once joked that his family reunions are like a U.N. convention. I can only imagine! Not only is he inheriently multicultural, he has also lived and visited these other corners of the world. In a country that is becoming increasingly hated and/or feared by the rest of the world for our disregard of their sovereignty, wouldn't it be nice to elect a leader who not only gets it, but has lived it?

So, there you have it. That is just a sampling of the many reasons to vote for this compelling political figure. If you need any more convincing, just listen to him speak and try to not get goosebumps or get caught up in the swell of emotion. Sen. Obama is the right man, at the right time, for the right job. Please, give him your support tomorrow, or whenever your primary elections might be.

Thank you...

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