Right now thousands of New Hampshirites (New Hampshirians? New Hamsalad?) are going to the polls to make their choices known for whom they would like to see lead their party to victory in November. If you believe the latest polls it is going to be a close race on the Republican side between Mitt Romney and John McCain, while on the Democratic side it is looking like a clear victory for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton.

Of course, I couldn't be happier if these results hold up on the Democratic side as I am a big Obama supporter! You know though, I find it rather funny that these two states (Iowa and New Hampshire) that we pretty much ignore or forget come general election results time, play such a vital role in deciding who is going to be in that race for in all later this year.

Will it be over for Sen. Clinton tonight if she doesn't win? Mathematically, the answer is no. BUT, just like in sports, momentum is a powerful thing, and if Sen. Obama can deliver not only a win today in New Hampshire, but a convincing win, this thing could be all but over. With two consecutive losses, and decisive losses where the majority of the independent vote goes to Obama, it is going to be a harder and harder uphill battle for Clinton to struggle back from. The money sources are going to start to dry up or switch sides, the key figures (former Senators, Governors, Unions) on the Democratic side will start throwing their support behind Obama, the other primary candidates who fall out of the race will support the front runner, and the people who are still undecided in upcoming states will decide on the front runner as well.

It will be like dominoes starting to fall, and the first really big one could be pushed over tonight.

1 Comment:

  1. Thomas Wicker said...
    touche, my friend, touche....

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