So, naturally today I am ecstatic about Obama's win yesterday in the Iowa primary! As I mentioned yesterday, I know this win only represents a little more than 1% of the total delates that vote for the Democratic candidate later this year, but this is (to me) a huge symbolic victory and a great momentum boost that will hopefully carry over into New Hampshire next week and beyond. Watch his victory speech here.

Also, congrats to John Edwards and Hillary Clinton for their strong showings as well. Here are some interesting numbers on turnout yesterday (provided by the Daily Kos):

The Republicans produced around 115,000 voters - up from 87,000 in 2004. (32% increase)
The Democrats produced around 236,000 voters - up from 59,000 in 2004. (300% increase!)

Total Voter Turnout (approximate) 356,000
Percentage of total vote
24.5% Obama
20.5% Edwards
19.8% Clinton
11.4% Huckabee (R)

So obvious in those numbers, even in a mostly "Red" state like Iowa, the people of this country and energized and ready for a change! I can't wait to see what New Hampshire brings!!


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