As I mentioned in yesterday's post, Sen. Clinton is not going to give up this primary election easily and without a kicking and screaming fight. Nor should she, really, when you consider the amount of delegates she has already accumulated, the number of supporters and endorsers she has, and the fact that this is a race that is still close for the position she has been wanting her entire life.

WITH THAT SAID, I wanted to share some things this morning that she and her campaign are currently doing that are just showing an ugly desperation and disgregard for democracy:

  • 1. First off, just look at that picture above, taken in El Paso, Texas. She is quite clearly exploiting the fact that one of her most dependable voting blocks so far this election has been the Mexican-Americans. Add to that the fact that she is using the Giuliani tactic of campaigning way in the future (the Texas primary is not until the 4th of March), and disregarding the primary contests of the present. That didn't work out too well for Giuliani, and hopefully it won't for her either.

  • 2. How about this great strategy taken from an article in today's New York Times. With every delegate precious, Mrs. Clinton’s advisers also made it clear that they were prepared to take a number of potentially incendiary steps to build up Mrs. Clinton’s count. Top among these, her aides said, is pressing for Democrats to seat the disputed delegations from Florida and Michigan, who held their primaries in January in defiance of Democratic Party rules. If she succeeds in doing this some how, we should all take to the streets in volient protest. The ONLY reason she got the most votes in Michigan was because she was the only name on the ballot (all appologies to Rep. Kucinich). And the ONLY reason she won Florida is because she was the only one who broke the rules and choose to show up there to campaign! Disgusting if this happens.

  • 3. I'm sorry if you live in any of these 20 states: WA, ID, NV, UT, CO, ND, MN, IA, NE, KS, MO, AK LA, AL, GA, SC, VA, MD, ME, CT, Hillary's people think you are "insignificant". Quote from MSNBC article: “Could we possibly have a nominee who hasn't won any of the significant states -- outside of Illinois?” Chief Strategist Mark Penn said. “That raises some serious questions about Sen. Obama.” So, apparently you only matter if you are from the states which Hillary won, which I should mention, are mostly states that ANY Democratic Presidential candidate would win in a general election.

Hillary, I know you are most likely taking this thing to it's bitter, unnatural end. I know you are prepared for an ugly battle on the floor of the DNC Convention. I just wish it didn't have to be this way. We Democrats are looking for unity, and a light at the end of a very long and dark 8 year tunnel. We have found that light in Sen. Obama. I am sorry we did not find it in you. Perhaps your day will still come. As for today, please stop working to extinguish our light! Please consider your party and your nation! If we decide to go another way this year, please let us! Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day! ;)

Thanks for reading...


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