It has been a while again since I last posted anything. It is just hard to find the time with family, school and job responsibilities. I so admire and commend you folks out there who do this on a more regular basis than myself.

Anyway, in the time since my last post, I have had quite a few political ideas, news stories, and controversies come to mind that have created quite the backlog. With that in mind, today's post is going to be a political potpourri of all of these ideas. Unfortunately, I will not be able to go into any great depth on any of them, but at least they will be out of my head!

Potpourri Ingredient #1 - The Dried Stink Weed: Come on, with a hotly contested primary season still going strong, you had to know there would be some stink weed in the mix! As I eluded to in the previous post, the closer this race gets to the end of the line for Sen. Clinton, the nastier her attacks are going to become. This past weekend, after having a debate Thursday night with Sen. Obama where she ended it by saying it has been an honor to run against him, she spent the entire weekend throwing all the mud she could gather at him. This was dubbed her "kitchen sink" strategy by one of her aides. Here are the highlights (er, low lights): "Shame on you", "Celestial Choirs", "Muslim Garb", and "Watch Saturday Night Live". The funny thing about this "strategy"? It is having the opposite effect of what she was hoping. After being up nearly 20 points in both Texas and Ohio a couple weeks ago, she is now down in Texas and "too close to call" in Ohio.

Potpourri Ingredient #2 - Even More Dried Stink Weed: Now that the race for the Republican Presidential nominee is in the bag for Sen. McCain, he can get on with the business of doing what Republicans do best; fear-mongering, race-baiting, and "lack of patriotism" bashing of Democrats! Seriously, can we just write out the strategy now that the Republicans are going to use over the next 8 months and be done with it? We have seen this movie before, do we really need to watch it again? I could go into the details and provide the links, but I will not be a part of doing the dirty work for this "Maverick", "Moderate" Senator from Arizona. If you want the slime, you know where to get it. (hint: it starts with an F and ends with an X).

Potpourri Ingredient #3 - Rotting Beef: And then there is this story. Apparently, if a cow is not able to physically walk to the slaughter house, it is considered a "downer cow" and can not be used for human consumption. This sick story (along with video!) details the lengths this meat processing facility went through to get the cows to "walk" to the slaughter house, and where this meat is ending up. For those of you who say "politics don't matter" or "we are better off with no taxes/government/etc", please, consider this as a side effect of that line of reasoning.

Potpourri Ingredient #4 - Cilantro: Cilantro? You know, it is this sneaky, surprising spice that shows up and immediately makes food taste better. (side note: apparently not everyone is down on the cilantro!) These following two videos featuring impromptu attacks live on Fox News provide just enough cilantro to spice things up for the better: Lee Camp and Montel Williams (yes, THAT Montel).

Potpourri Ingredient #5 - A Nice Ripe Onion: Finally, here is a hilarious video put together by the fine folks at The Onion. Funny because it is true.

So there ya have it, my little sampling-o-the-day of Political Potpourri. Sure, it probably doesn't smell too good, but, unfortunately, neither does our country at the moment. Enjoy your weekend! Oh, and if you happen to live in either Texas, Ohio, Vermont, or Rhode Island (or know someone who does), get out and vote next Tuesday!


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