Today is the 8th day of the 8th month of 2008, 8-8-08. It is also the day, cleverly enough, of the opening ceremony for the 29th Olympiad! I don't know how many of you get excited about the Summer Olympics, but I sure do. It is just so great to watch as the world mostly comes together every four years to compete, not with weapons or harsh words, but through sports. And even though China has a whole host of issues when it comes to politics and human rights, I think they will make a great host this year for the games. I think it is more appropriate to deal with their issues after the games.

This weekend also starts a 9 day, much deserved Hawaiian vacation for the Obamas. As we should all know by now, Sen. Obama was born and raised in the Rainbow State, mostly by his grandparents. With his grandmother being the only surviving member of his parental units, and being in her mid-80s now, this trip is as much about reconnecting with family and friends as it is about taking time off from the long, tough and ugly campaign he has had against both Sen. Clinton and Sen. McCain.

Here are my hopes. I hope the USA is successful in bringing home from China lots of gold medals. I hope Sen. Obama enjoys his time in Hawaii, and reemerges from the trip with enough energy and focus to carry this fight the rest of the way to a successful November. And I REALLY hope that we Americans who have been sucked into this increasingly ugly campaign can also take a vacation and enjoy two weeks of Olympic coverage; while at the same time, ignoring the predictable attacks that are sure to come from the political right about how "Obama is out of touch because he is going to a vacation paradise", or "Obama is on vacation while John McCain is working hard for you", or "Blah blah blah, Obama bad, blah blah".

I, for one, will be taking a break from the ugly and chanting, USA, USA, USA!


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