I just wanted to write a quick post and hand out some thank you's relating to President-Elect Obama's historic win last night.

  • Thank you to all of the voters who were not suckered into fear in yet another election.
  • Thank you to the paid and unpaid volunteers around my state of Colorado and around that country that gave so much of their time and efforts to make this a reality.
  • Thank you to the states of Indiana, Virginia, Nevada, Colorado, and any other state I am forgetting that "bucked the trend" and went blue for a change!
  • Thank you to Sen. McCain for giving a very gracious concession speech last night.
  • Thank you to the voting machines for not being the story of this election!
  • Thank you to the pundits last night who worked as well as they could to properly frame this historic moment in America into words.
  • Thank you to my wife and kids who allowed me some of our family time to go volunteer for the campaign, and who even worked when they could to help out themselves!
  • Thank you to Stephen Korda, my local Obama Campaign field organizer.
  • And last, but certainly not least, a HUGE thank you to Sen. Obama for inspiring us with your words and your deeds; and for not ever giving up or giving in during this long, and often times difficult, campaign.

Thank you America!!!!

1 Comment:

  1. Amy Y said...
    You're welcome :)

    Thank you for all you did to make this possible, too!

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