Hello there fellow mind readers. Did you miss me? No? Oh well!

So not much has happened since my absence right? HAHAH! Just bridges collapsing due to deteriorating infrastructure (due to never ending, 12 billion dollar a month wars; due to huge tax cuts to the wealthy and the oily; due to record deficits to China; due to, you know, all those 'fiscally responsible' conservative thingies). The war is still raging on. Do we even know or care anymore? I'm sure the families of those in harms way do. But the rest of us? What else, the White House is still playing a successful game of 'hide and seek' with all of its criminals, er, I mean Administration Officials. Is anyone ever going to have to own up to all the nefarious deeds? No, probably not. The media is still, well, the media. They continue to play their Jerry Springer version of the 'news'. WOW, DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS KIDNAPPING??! LOOK AT WHAT LINDSEY LOHAN IS UP TO NOW!! YOU MAY ALREADY BE A MILLION DOLLAR WINNER! (ok, that last one was from Ed McMahon)

Same ole, same ole really. Oh, I did want to share with the readers (are there any left? hello? is this thing on?) a cute little comment that was left for me in response to my last posting. The funny (AND IRONIC!) thing about this comment is that it was left in response to a posting about how awful certain people's words on the 'right' are, and how they are (in my opinion) ruining America. And that it is sad that *I* have to live in an America with them. Strange how that gets turned around on me in this comment. Again, just like Fox News says, "White is black and black is white. If you don't believe that, you are a TERRORIST!" (ok, they didn't REALLY say that, but you get the idea). The comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one sick " puppy". What a shame that
America has to have the likes of you living here.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Amy Y said...
    Glad to see you back, Honey. :) Oh and as for anonymous... F*ck him. :)
    What's with the stupid insults? If there is something wrong with you... why not say what it is? Just calling someone out doesn't lead to any positive debate... whatever.
    Rialityfreak said...
    Glad you are back! Haven't heard from you since, well, "Kennedy was president." I find it quite ironic that anonymous proved your point for you. So much for a worthwhile debate. Let's just throw hateful words around. Please come around more often. How am I supposed to keep up on these things without you. Oh and by the way...no Ewok's hanging out in your comments. hmmm? I might actually have the coolest blog.

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