While the media is being consumed by its coverage of the Iowa primary election today (and the 1% of national delegates that represents), let us not fail to keep track of the other, more substantive stories taking place in our world.

  • 1. Want to impeach the current Prez and Vice Prez? Here is a page with any number of reasons to do so.

  • 2. Raise your hand if you know who Jamie Leigh Jones is. No one? Ok, now raise your hand if you know who Natalie Holloway is. Thought so. Read about Ms. Jones here.

  • 3. Oh yeah! What about that warming planet thingie? Guess we forgot about it since it has been so cold lately, huh? Watch this interesting argument from some guy who looks like a high school science teacher.

  • 4. This sure seems like it should be a much bigger deal. I suppose when a Democrat is the President next year, things like this WILL be big deals again! Huzzah!

  • 5. We don't need to go all the way back to 2000 to find evidence of a stolen election, here is a juicy story about the stolen election of 2004!

That is enough reading for today folks. Always remember, just because you watch the "news" on the telly-vision, does not mean you are staying informed on the news.


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